Airing on KNLE FM 88.1 (Austin, Texas) Christian Radio Station
DATES: These Wednesdays—  July 17, July 31 & August 14 at 5:30 p.m., MST, 3:30 p.m., PST, 4:30 p.m. MST

In honor and memory of Edgar Harrell (Retired USMC), who had been one the last surviving members of the] USS INDIANAPOLIS, we are replaying his riveting testimony when he gave us insight into how God's providence spanned mercy upon him and spared his life from the dark, murky, shark infested waters many of Edgar's shipmates met their last steps of fate.

In this interview we learn how his life went since being in the military and his remembrances and faith behind the making of his book OUT OF THE DEPTHS: An unforgettable WWII Story of Survival, Courage, and The Sinking of the USS INDIANAPOLIS (Bethany House). This historical account impact people worldwide and of all generations. Here we share Brother Edgar's testimony as he recaptured history and we were encouraged with that heart-wrenching testimony about our hope in God. Brother Edgar's remembrances also were of the fateful day the USS Indianapolis was sunk after being under torpedo fire, and since then the brotherhood of survivors which ensued.

Listen to this interview by going to by going to the first playlist at  Recorded Shows ( and clicking on #1  --One of the Best of the Best Shows from the (Christian) LEADERSHIP INTERVIEWS archive.

To get yours, visit this LINK
THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW  RATING   (Five out of five stars)


Airing on KNLE 88.1 (Austin, Texas) Christian Radio Station
AIR DATES: These Wednesdays— September 18, October 9 at 5:30 p.m., VST, 3:30 p.m., PST, 4:30 p.m. MST

We were thankful to God for the SPECIAL called PRAYER: HOW & WHY WE PRAY.
Are you struggling with mustering up enough self-initiative to pray? How do you pray? Why do you pray?

Listen to the recording on our Recorded shows page. Go to the right side of that page and scroll down the play list.. Why don’t you?
For this SPECIAL where we unveil super simple ways (manners) to shine light on just what prayer is, what it shows you and confirms is ..., well, what might come to Light as what you were missing all along and had no idea of where to start.

Listen to this interview by going to by going to the second playlist at  Recorded Shows ( and clicking on #22  --One of the Best of the Best Shows from the (Christian) LEADERSHIP SPECIALS archive.

Airing on KNLE 88.1 (Austin, Texas) Christian Radio Station
AIR DATES: These Wednesdays— October 30 & November 6 at 5:30 p.m., VST, 3:30 p.m., PST, 4:30 p.m. MST)

Join us to learn from author Bruce L. Hartman about his book JESUS & CO.: Connecting the Lessons of the Gospel with Today's Business World. Brother Bruce will tell us our work for JESUS leads us in our meant to be Faith Journey. We are blessed author shares that when God's Grace REIGNS it pours!!! Our cup over-floweth!!! 

                  QUESTION: Why ought JESUS & CO. interest you IN THE FIRST PLACE?
                                    ANSWER": So, in business, you won't end up IN LAST PLACE!

Perhaps to some a past Executive of a Fortune 500 Company might seem out of place on a Christian Radio Show. After all when we hear "Love one another" that doesn't mean that we are the ones choosing between who we hold dear by the litmus test of relate-ability on the surface. Beyond that prejudice that those in the business world are only out to fulfill worldly desire comes Brother Bruce L. Hartman, a man who has made it to that black abyss (the echelon of top brass whose decision can sway the future of many employees). A man who now having been guided by JESUS comes forth not only to overcome the work world but too complete theological degrees and write books on how God works through others. That is where his effort with JESUS & CO comes in.

If your heart is heavy from the burden of being overridden with work and God seems to get lost in the shuffle, then this book --JESUS & CO.--is for you. Why? ANSWER: Some people psyches are perplexed or detracted...because their will is separate from their heart or lovingkindnes when they become work work work,
.....but this great book called JESÚS & CO reminds us that that is not what Jesus wants us to do...instead this book as God’s tool in your life a taking of the spiritual stethoscope placing over the cross of Christ in your heart and saying that --while at work-- this question this show hosts asks and that is, “How much your heart is in it...and for who that you serve is the reason to win it.”? If this sounds like you. Listeners ask yourself "What is the goal line stance you not only want to avoid but time and again show those involved you are ready to not lose that way and not only that, welcome the challenge."

Listen to this interview by going to by going to the first playlist at  Recorded Shows ( and clicking on #61  --One of the Best of the Best Shows from the (Christian) LEADERSHIP INTERVIEWS archive).

 To get yours, visit this LINK
THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW  RATING   (Five out of five stars)

Airing on KNLE FM 88.1 (Austin, Texas) Christian Radio Station
DATES: These Wednesdays—  November 27, and December 11  at 5:30 p.m., MST, 3:30 p.m., PST, 4:30 p.m. MST

We are honored to have Pastor Morris on the show to share with us the message in his book TRULY FREE: Breaking the Snares that so Easily Entangle. Yes, he is the same Pastor Morris who is the Host of the nationally televised program, The Blessed Life.  He is Senior Pastor of Gateway Church, a multicampus church based in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. In June 2010 it is said that God healed his malignant brain tumor (anaplastic Oligodendroglioma).

Pastor Morris, you might remember, had first transformed the act of giving in his 2004 bestselling book, The Blessed Life, and now does the same for spiritual freedom in TRULY FREE: Breaking the Snares that so Easily Entangle (W Publishing Group, May 2015). Whether an area in your life gets you down or Satan has a stronghold on your by his snares, we are capable of realizing the ways to go back in the direction of God's Love. In Truly Free, Pastor Morris explains that achieving and maintaining spiritual freedom requires attention, effort, and vigilance, even for the strongest believers. He shows you the warning signs that your life may be opened to evil and how you can overcome the enemy and find freedom. Pastor Morris is bestselling author and founding pastor of Gateway Church.

Here on THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW, we had Pastor Robert Morris with us because God wanted him here with us. Continue joining our Listening Ministry. We invite you to continue to follow us and tune in again as we all (Children of God) hold hands with the Holy Spirit during our shows.

Listen to this interview by going to by going to the first playlist at  Recorded Shows ( and clicking on #3  --One of the Best of the Best Shows from the (Christian) LEADERSHIP INTERVIEWS archive.

To get yours, visit this LINK
THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW  RATING   (Five out of five stars)

In 2025, we'll have returning guests NY Times Best Selling Author Pastor Ed Gungor, authors from Finn Partners efforts, and Helen Mitchel., Austin Turak, and also esteemed Joe Moglia amongst others (such as authors Glen D. Kato and Jeffery Colby), on the show for updates on their life journey to serve the Lord and praise His Holy name by all they do, the values they live, share and show.



Aired on KNLE FM 88.1 (Austin, Texas) Christian Radio Station
DATES: These Wednesdays—  May 15, May 29th & June 12th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., MST, 3:30 p.m., PST, 4:30 p.m. MST.

The joy of God's light is being shared with the themed LEADERSHIP SPECIAL ​ called RAISING KIDS READY, with REVELL author Jonathan Catherman & Reverend Salvador SeBasco.

​​Jonathan Catherman is the founder and director of the 1M Mentoring Foundation which is dedicated to providing life skills and character mentoring resources to one million young people around the world. Jonathan’s international best-selling books include The Manual to Manhood, The Manual to Middle School, and The Girls’ Guide to Conquering Life. He is proud to have co-authored three best-selling titles with his sons, Reed and Cole, and wife, Erica. Jonathan regularly speaks to youth and adult audiences on the significance of stewardship and the importance of building their confidence and capabilities. From parenting conferences to student symposiums, military support events to leadership training days, Jonathan’s audiences are entertained, educated, and inspired to live with purpose and passion. Learn more about him by visiting his website,


We were  blessed to have had returning guest Jonathan Catherman on for this SPECIAL called RAISING KIDS READY.  Since the last time we had Jonathan on the show he has 7 more books published and another one on the way. The theme captures the question, "What resources do exist for parents to share with their children about life readiness? Jonathan Catherman's Manual to Manhood, and his next seven books after that are listed below.  

        1) The Manual to Manhood: How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive
        2) The Manual to Middle School: The "do This, Not That" Survival Guide for Guys
        3) The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life: How to Ace an Interview, Change a Tire, Talk to a Guy, 97 Other Skills You Need to Thrive
        4) The  Girls' Guide to Conquering Middle School: "do This, Not That" Advice Every Girl Needs
        5) The Girls Guide to Conquering Life Mentor Activity Guide: Women in The Making Club
        6) The  Manual to Manhood: Mentor Activity Guide: Men in The Making Club
        7) Guiding the Next Great Generation: Rethinking How Teens Become Confident and Capable Adults
        8) Becoming the Next Great Generation: Taking Our Place as Confident and Capable Adults

    *Each of the above was published by REVELL, a division of Baker Publishing Group.  


Jonathan Catherman is a sociologist and educator who has worked in private and public education for 24 years. He speaks worldwide to diverse audiences of all ages and is the author of the bestselling books for teens The Manual to Manhood and The Manual to Middle School. For his success in the development and delivery of youth mentoring resources and programming, Jonathan was awarded the 2016 President’s Volunteer Service Award and Martin Luther King Drum Major for Service Award.  Jonathan's wife Erica Catherman has spent more than 20 years working with young women as a community volunteer, an advocate for gender equality in sports, and a coach/mentor to middle school, high school, and college students. She has written resources for young women and their mentors and is the author (with Jonathan) of The Girls’ Guide to Conquering Life and The Girls’ Guide to Conquering Middle School.

Listen to this interview by going to by going to the second playlist at  Recorded Shows ( and clicking on #23  --One of the Best of the Best Shows from the (Christian LEADERSHIP SPECIALS archive).

Wednesdays 12/13/23 and 12/20/23 & Sunday 12/24/23 (5:30 p.m., CST, 3:30 p.m. PST, 4:30 p.m. MST). 
This show explored our scriptural roots about thankfulness. Scriptures show the foundation/fullness of sincere Thankfulness (the fullness of Thank-Fullness, so to say). 

​Listen to this SPECIAL by going to on the SPECIALS Playlist at Recorded Shows (  (SPECIALS are on the second Playlist).

What a beloved SPECIAL we all had for the Thanksgiving Holiday Season.  This SPECIAL was called —BEING THANKFUL FOR GOD!—
Lift UP all the Glory to God!!!!!

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! All for the Glory for God! The testimony in this Special fostered how signs of God’s Love surround us everyday, and how giving thanks allows us to be an instrument of God. It also asked the question, "Do you take saying 'Thank You' for granted? This SPECIAL looked at how to get back to being sincere about our gratitude. This SPECIAL looked at how to get back to being sincere about our gratitude. Being genuine and grateful for love and all there is in the entirety of the existence of "It all" makes one's life developments primarily about BEING MORE not HAVING MORE.

Does this speak to you? Listen in :) ... Go  to this SPECIAL by going to #25 on the SPECIALS Playlist at Recorded Shows (  (SPECIALS are on the second Playlist).

We had a paradigm-shifting interview with returning guest, military veteran and esteemed author Glen D. Kato. We'll get the inside view on his book THE WE COUPLE IN A ME WORLD: BECOME A KINGDOM POWER COUPLE.

Could these important insights be in you and yours' tool- box for your relationship or marriage?

​Find out:

Do you have a strained relationship because you feel distanced? Or is your relationship strained because of stress from our rapidly changing world? Do you feel a sense of estrangement because of an actual distance (you are apart from your loved one) or is it because of something you said to one another that led to an argument where you both just could not see eye to eye?.

Brother Glen D. Kato's life-long journey of writing marriage books that have helped many couples and families through the most difficult times. His quest comes from a good place of heart and soul. His writings have helped guide others towards one another and in Christ in those times when their faith was being tested which gave rise to a spiritual aloneness setting in. These are the times when being a couple in today's world at one time or another means being in a relationship where distance is involved and where stamina means both physical and spiritual challenges are sometimes under the worst-case scenarios. Perhaps when a spouse is not even sure if their loved one is even going to come home...or when they do, if they are ever to be the same. Perhaps their loved one is under constant threat because of their chosen profession or occupation. One such as in the military where they are out protecting the country> Perhaps their loved one's job involves protecting the city or is in a high risk job. Then, knowing where to turn and how to support one another is half the battle. Yes, listen in. In this interview brother Glen is going to bring forth powerful testimony on how when relationships are strained, resolutions through a new relationship with Christ  come about. Praise God!

Listeners and followers, this is not all this show brings forth! Listen in, as you'll also learn about his newest book, WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST SAY?: Ten Articles & Lists to Help You Flourish and Not Flounder in Your New Life In Christ.

In brother Glen D. Kato's THE WE COUPLE IN A ME WORLD: BECOME A KINGDOM POWER COUPLE, we see a 40-Day marital experiment formatted into a daily devotional with each chapter building on the next towards becoming a purposeful Kingdom Power Couple! These devotional pages are aimed for couples looking to strengthen their bond, and those who want to mentor couples, perhaps in small groups of couples, or scale it up to be church-wide. It is because of the God-led simplicity of this 40-Days of Marriage Campaign... that we are so Grateful to God that He is using THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW for this EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW to lead others towards God. Just think. Us as God's instruments are reflections of His Love and, after all, as God is Love and too Love is a forever influence in our lives for good and Great, our compassion, lovingkindness could be that light that brings us and others out of their darkness!!!

Share this show after listening in on the interview by going to #83 on the 1st play list of "The Best of the Best" at the Recorded Shows Webpage  (

We were blessed to have brother Jeffery L. Colby also known as Jeff 🦉“The Wise Owl” on the show, 
and we thankful to God for the SPECIAL called How to Have ‘Stamina-in-Faith with Christ’ …through Hard Times.”

Are you struggling in one way or another with hard times? Do you feel anguished and alone in your struggles? 
You are not alone! Listen in on the recording of this SPECIAL with Reverend Salvador and returning guest, brother Jeffery L. Colby also known as Jeff 🦉“The Wise Owl”- esteemed author of POWER TO THINK DIFFERENTLY. ​****To listen to this 40 minutes SPECIAL go to Recorded Shows  (  You'll find it as #24 on the SPECIALS Playlist (which is the second Playlist).

Hear powerful testimony about...

       *Diligence in prayer

       *Diligence in devoted immersing of one's SELF in the Bible

       *Diligence in kindness & Lovingkindness to one another

       *Diligence of servitude, and last but not least…

       *Diligence of being a reinforcer of integrity, fortitude and growth of one another’s Character

With powerful reference to the following Scripture Reverand Sal and Jeffery L. Colby 🦉“The Wise Owl” tackle this toughest subject of all time.
        Romans 5:7
        Job 4:10
        Romans 15:18
        1 Cor 6:1

​****To listen to this 40 minutes SPECIAL go to Recorded Shows  (  You'll find it as #24 on the SPECIALS Playlist (which is the second Playlist).

​God shine on us all with the testimony on the interview with Michele Chynoweth, award winning author of The Runaway Prophet, The Faithful One, The Peacemaker and The Jealous Son. Her latest book, The Wise Man is an epic contemporary suspense based on the Book of Solomon. 

Get the inside view into the mind of a selfless author who believe the Old Testament stories for so many are difficult to realize and comprehend. So, she re-imagines them into contemporary fictional stories to bring about an understanding of Biblical messages and truths.

Michele is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and an award-winning speaker, book coach, editor and founder of "Your Book Done Right" Master Class and Elite Coaching. 

This intriguing interview was a superflourous insight onto the mind of a great author who aims her books into the heart of God's Will.

​****Listen to this 38 minutes INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows at  (   You'll find it as #82 on the INTERVIEWS Playlist.

6/15/22, 6/29/22, and 7/13/22 (5:30pm CST, 3:30 PST). 
OMG! Or ought say, "Oh Our God!" How improbable is it when an ex-Playboy Bunny be involved in God's Will to profess how loss can be spirituality- life saving! How the transforming power of God is fueled by His compassion for each one of us as His children. No stranger to becoming an accidental experiment, Robyn Dykstra is author of the new book THE WIDOW WORE PINK: A True Story of Life After Loss and the Transforming Power of a Loving God (Gossamer Press, MI). With THE WIDOW WORE PINK.

 In this interview, we heard strong testimony about...
   How she went from Playboy Bunny to finding Jesus. Praise God who has plans for each of our lives!
   How does she share her wayward past with her children?
   What does she say to those who say their past is too bad for God to love and accept them?   
   The loss of two husbands within 4 short years and how God has helped her through thise difficult times.
   What advice does she have for those going through the grief process now?
   What are some ways to help or support a new widow? 

Once lost but now found, today Robyn is a Bible Teacher who loves Jesus. And for decades now, Robyn has been presenting life-changing messages to help thousands energize their faith in God and find strength to face life's challenges. Yes, listeners and followers, God who was faithful to Robyn will also be faithful to you. Robyn now helps others learn to face unwelcomed challenges by knowing and trusting in the promise God has in their lives.

****Besides the above listed air dates, to listen to this 38 minutes INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows at  (   You'll find it as #81  on the INTERVIEWS Playlist.

5/18/2022 and 5/25/22 (5:30pm CST, 3:30 PST). 
We were blessed to have Pastor Becca Ehrlich join us. Her self-help guide CHRISTIAN MINIMALISM: Simple Steps for Abundant Living (published by Moorehouse Publishing, NY) cuts through our culture's insistence about consumerism, and it challenges the basic engrained assumptions about the growing clutter in our spiritual lives.

In this interview, Reverend Salvador and Pastor Ehrlich explored how our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige. And in how Jesus is very clear about that―but society tells us otherwise. Striving to concentrate on what matters most in life, Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society’s lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.

Pastor Ehrlich simplified her own life and practices these principles daily. CHRISTIAN MINIMALISM: Simple Steps for Abundant Living gives readers a fresh perspective on how to live out God’s grace for us in new and exciting ways and live out our faith in a way that is deeply satisfying.

           ​"Ehrlich’s insightful self-help guide will resonate with Christians wishing to streamline an overstuffed life."―Publishers Weekly

 Listen in as we hear dramatic testimony about how much is enough and how not to overlook meaning in your life.

​****Besides the above listed air dates, to listen to this 28 minutes INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows  (  as #80 on the INTERVIEWS Playlist.

4/20/2022, 4/27/22, 5/4/22 (5:30pm CST, 3:30 PST). 
Glory be to God! Reverend Salvador interviewed ​Lucille Williams, author of THE IMPOSSIBLE KID: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace (Barbour Publishing, 2021). Barbour Publishing is a leading Christian publisher of popular books including The Bible Promise Book, devotionals, Bibles, children's books, journals, and God praising reading materals. Host Reverend Salvador is a longstanding member of the NBCC, National Book Critics Circle, founded Sheephook Ministries 16 years ago, and has hosted THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW on KNLE 88.1 FM since 2005. Be sure to listen in on this insightful *40 Minutes interview.  

From the book's introduction:
"When a mother’s journey begins, one is venturing into the unknown. 
It’s hard to imagine what this tiny little baby will be as an adult. My journey was difficult, heart-wrenching, and laborious and yet joyful, worth every tear and strife. My child seemed impossible to me, but God chose me to be the mother of this impossible child. And what we deem impossible, God makes possible (Luke 18:27)." 

About the author:
Lucille Williams, national speaker and author, has ministered to couples and families for over 25 years. As a pastor’s wife, Lucille dedicates her time to ministry, writing, mentoring, and providing resources on her blog at Working alongside her husband who is the children’s pastor at Shepherd Church in Porter Ranch, California, Lucille found widespread success with her first book From Me to We.

In her pursuit to safeguard marriages, Lucille has appeared on Focus on the Family’s radio broadcasts and magazine as one of their top-rated programs for “BEST OF 2018.” She was also featured on KKLA’s the Frank Sontag Show and GOD TV. Even with her writing and speaking achievements, she will tell you her greatest pride and joy is her family—her highest calling and ministry.

Lucille resides in Los Angeles with her husband of over 37 years, spending the majority of their spare time with their grandkids.

****To listen to this 40 minutes INTERVIEW go to Recorded Shows  (  You'll find it as #79 on the INTERVIEWS Playlist.


The joy of God's light was shared with the themed SPECIAL  with REVELL author Jonathan Catherman & Reverend Salvador SeBasco. Listen to this SPECIAL  by going to Recorded Shows (

This SPECIAL is called called RAISING KIDS READY 

We were  blessed to have had returning guest Jonathan Catherman on for this SPECIAL called RAISING KIDS READY.  Since the last time we had Jonathan on the show he has 7 more books published and another one on the way. The theme captures the question, "What resources do exist for parents to share with their children about life readiness? Jonathan Catherman's Manual to Manhood, and his next seven books after that are listed below.  

        1) The Manual to Manhood: How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive
        2) The Manual to Middle School: The "do This, Not That" Survival Guide for Guys
        3) The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life: How to Ace an Interview, Change a Tire, Talk to a Guy, 97 Other Skills You Need to Thrive
        4) The  Girls' Guide to Conquering Middle School: "do This, Not That" Advice Every Girl Needs
        5) The Girls Guide to Conquering Life Mentor Activity Guide: Women in The Making Club
        6) The  Manual to Manhood: Mentor Activity Guide: Men in The Making Club
        7) Guiding the Next Great Generation: Rethinking How Teens Become Confident and Capable Adults
        8) Becoming the Next Great Generation: Taking Our Place as Confident and Capable Adults

    *Each of the above was published by REVELL, a division of Baker Publishing Group.  


Jonathan Catherman is a sociologist and educator who has worked in private and public education for 24 years. He speaks worldwide to diverse audiences of all ages and is the author of the bestselling books for teens The Manual to Manhood and The Manual to Middle School. For his success in the development and delivery of youth mentoring resources and programming, Jonathan was awarded the 2016 President’s Volunteer Service Award and Martin Luther King Drum Major for Service Award.  Jonathan's wife Erica Catherman has spent more than 20 years working with young women as a community volunteer, an advocate for gender equality in sports, and a coach/mentor to middle school, high school, and college students. She has written resources for young women and their mentors and is the author (with Jonathan) of The Girls’ Guide to Conquering Life and The Girls’ Guide to Conquering Middle School.

Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

Interview with ​Bob Krech:
Reverend Salvador interviewed author Bob Krech aboujt his inspiring new book called A Little Faith: A Father’s Miracle Story of Faith, Love, and a Micro Preemie (BELIEF BOOKS PUBLISHING, November 2020). This is the amazing journey of Bob and Karen Krech, whose baby girl was born at 23 weeks and weighing 450 grams (4 grams less than a pound!). She was not much bigger than her dad’s hand and the doctor at the birth advised Karen to just hold the baby and keep her warm until she passed on. Instead, the Krech’s put their trust in God and their own faith to the test, and they share their journey in this special book. Their amazing journey and miracle of Baby Faith, who was born so small that doctors didn’t think she would survive.  

​Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

In this exclusive interview Reverend Salvador SeBasco and Bob Krech went deep into the power of prayer, miracles and asking boldly of God, trials and how God uses them to grow us, finding encouragement and inspiration in difficult times, and accepting God’s will


*2020 was the most trying year of many people’s lives. This book is a welcome reminder that God is still at work doing amazing things and is in every detail. The value of each human life and the need to fight for all lives is being passionately discussed across the nation.
Each year *November is Prematurity Awareness Month and November 17 is World Prematurity Day, organized by the March of Dimes
*December is a time where “babies” and “miracles” definitely resonate with the coming of the baby Jesus and a time of inspiration, encouragement, and joy, and January’ includes March for Life is an enormous event that connects to infant viability.


Bob Krech is the founder of Belief Books, a publishing house dedicated to sharing stories and meditations on God’s unexpected blessings while donating all profits to charity. A former elementary teacher, supervisor, and curriculum developer, Krech has written more than thirty books for teachers and parents, as well as two national award-winning children’s books: Rebound and Love Puppies and Corner Kicks. He and his wife Karen, also an educator, lived and taught in Scotland and Saudi Arabia as well as New Jersey. They now live in South Carolina where they attend Hilton Head Island Community Church. They have two grown children, Andrew and Faith.  To learn more, visit:

Interview with Dr. Rosalind Tompkins

We  were blessed to have Dr. Rosalind Tompkins, founder and president of Mothers in Crisis, Inc. and author of As Long As There is Breath in Your Body, There is Still Hope. In this book she shares the gritty details of her own journey, as she battled drug and alcohol addiction that started at the age of 12. She also became pregnant at a young age and desperately needed hope. Fortunately, she became a believer in Christ and with His help along with the help of others and the birth of her daughter, she was able to turn her life around. As a result of her personal experience, Rosalind went on to launch Mothers in Crisis, Inc. and has since been recognized as a Humanitarian for the work that she has done to end drug and alcohol addiction for individuals and their families. She launched National Month of Hope, which takes place in April each year. 

​Listen to this INTERVIEW  by going to Recorded Shows (

Personal stories of individuals who have been impacted by the work at Mothers in Crisis. Dr. Tompkins testimony includes. "Through my work with Mothers in Crisis Inc. for over 27 years, I have seen the power of hope in action as over 10,000 women and families have been impacted."  Her personal testimony – battling drug and alcohol addiction that started at the age of 12, and her story of how she became a Christian.

Today, Rosalind is on a mission to spread hope through her personal story, which we all desperately need today as we continue to battle the COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as tragedies and violence that happens every day. 


Dr. Rosalind Y. Lewis Tomkins is the founder and president of Mothers in Crisis, Inc., a 501 c3 non-profit organization committed to linking families and communities together to provide networks of support and encouragement for families to live productively, empowered, hope-filled lives. Recognized as a Hopeologist®, she received a Doctorate of Humanities Degree from the Five-Fold Ministry Theological University in 2012, recognizing her as a Humanitarian for the work that she has done to end drug and alcohol addiction. She’s the author of several books including Nimble Anointed Words Empower, As Long As There is Breath In Your Body, There is Hope, and You Are Beautiful. She’s also a columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat Newspaper and resides in Tallahassee, Florida.


Interview of returning guest, Bob Bevington, author of GOOD NEWS ABOUT SATAN: A GOSPEL LOOK AT SPIRITUAL WARFARE.

We started off the New Year, by having returning guest Bob Bevington. Go to our playlist and listen to the interview. What a deeply manifested gratitude you'll hear when you listen in. 

​Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

The interview went into great detail about his book,  GOOD NEWS ABOUT SATAN: A Gospel Look At Spiritual Warfare. (published by Cruciform Press).  Reverend Salvador SeBasco and Bob Bevington spoke about how the good news about Satan is he is a loser 🤣 😂 (Yes, Satan he is still a loser). Author Bob Bevington's THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT SATAN is packed with how to recognize the enemy, recognize their allies, their weapons, their limitations, their maneuvers; a "SATAN RADAR" and ward off evil and negative behaviors ahead of time.  This book GOOD NEWS ABOUT SATAN: A Gospel Look At Spiritual Warfare is a Victory lap of sorts highlights that Truth can be summed up in this simple statement:The Good News about Jesus, the victorious one, far outweighs the bad news about Satan. Not now. Not ever. 

Since we had Brother Bob Bevington on the show over 13 years ago he is now up to 5 titles, with his 5th title coming out at the end of 2020.  We're excited to have Brother Bob Bevington on the show not only because of who he is but because of how he reflects how in each of us, the Promise of Christ prevails. What a glorious long view! Praise God! 


This show explored how signs of God’s Love surround us, and how giving thanks allows us to be an instrument of God. Do you take saying “Thank You” for granted. This SPECIAL looked at how the power of gratitude works in our lives. 

Listen to this SPECIAL  by going  to Recorded Shows (The Inside View Show).

This show explored/re-visits our scriptural roots about thankfulness. Scriptures show the foundation/fullness of sincere Thankfulness (the fullness of Thank-Fullness, so to say). 

​Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

Listeners and followers, we heard a deep testimony from Michael Grady, author of MAKING GOD PART OF YOUR FAMILY: A Family Bible Study Book, Volume 2.  The strength in this book series and Volume 2 is to head off at the pass problems (that families without a focus on Biblical Values have) before they happen. Author Michael Grady has taught Sunday School and Bible Study for 30 years. Coming from having been a certified public accountant, he is a certified United Methodist lay speaker, evangelist association leader, experienced education, and professional speaker. 

Join us still by listening  to the recording of this interview. Go to our recordings page and you'll find this interview at # 74 of the first playlist. He shared with us how this book is not just a book of Bible stories. It is a study book ripe for these unprecedented times. Whether parents' goals are to spend 10-15 minutes on a dinner-time devotional or bedtime reading with their children, or spend more in-depth study time together once a week, this flexible resource makes it easier to carve out time amidst hectic schedules to study the Bible together, and help them to:
    *Develop a better and deeper relationship with God the father, and His son, Jesus;
    *Learn how they are part of God's family;
    *Learn how God expects them to live amidst the joys and sorrows in life;
    *Apply practical lessons and eternal truths to the situation they face today.
In a world where we hope what seems like the impossible needs to happen to save a world's people, and where all too many times the faith of people and nations has been to unforeseen brinks, reminding ourselves & our family of the Biblical values we live by, gives faith a greater foundation; for as the love of God remains upon us as individuals, as a family unit, and that the sense of belonging we experience with God brings us closer to godly unity, it is in the joy and love we are to reflect, that we embody and bring forward a unity in spirit from inward to our souls. 

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

We re-aired a favorite...We were thankful to God for the SPECIAL called PRAYER: HOW & WHY WE PRAY.
Are you struggling with mustering up enough self-initiative to pray? How do you pray? Why do you pray? Listen to this SPECIAL at our RECORDINGS page. It is #22 on the second playlist. The deeply felt decision basis of why we pray is telling. If you have never pondered why you pray, asking this question of yourself as you listen to this SPECIAL might just provide answers that show you where your bond is with the Holy Spirit;  a bond that is stronger than forces that pull apart your relationship with Christ. Why have this important part of you stay hidden from application. Engender the realism that a tradition of how you pray could just be a trap you've been laying for yourself year son end, not knowing that the sinking feeling you get just before praying ought not e the only reason you pray. Hear Reverend SeBasco pour his heart out and more on the subject of HOW AND WHY WE PRAYER in this SPECIAL called very simply just that. Tune in and listen to this SPECIAL where we unveil super simple ways (manners) to shine light on just what prayer is, what it shows you and confirms is ..., well, what might come to Light as what you were missing all along and had no idea of where to start.

The Inside View Show welcomed in the New Year with Malinda Fuller. author of OBEDIENCE OVER HUSTLE: THE SURRENDER OF THE STRIVING HEART (Shiloh Run Press). Malinda shared with us what problems arise with the "hustle culture," and how obedience is an internal choice of surrender, unlike hustle, which is a choice motivated by external, worldly rewards, and artificial significance, and the belief that if we are not busy, then we're not doing anything noteworthy. If this sounds painfully familiar, just know you do not have to stay belonged to that club. Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

We' re-airED a favorite... the NEW CHRISTMAS SPECIAL called “The Kind of GOODWILL that not everyone might want to hear about and it is called GODWILL-GOODWILL.”

No stranger to THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW, Brother Barry Ham returned for a 4th time...but this time NOT to speak with us about one of his books, but instead to gather testimony with Host Salvador SeBasco, as together they unveiled How Christ's Love is present in the not so apparent ways! WHY DO SO MANY OF US MISS these gems that deepen THE ROOTS OF LOVE in our hearts this time of year?
      Answer: Because the detractions of the season push time out of what space is left in a person's heart and what is left is a full heart. Just as a full stomach where eating becomes the last thing on that FULL PERSON'S MIND, so too does our spiritual digestion get heeded by a HEART FULL OF OTHER THAN LOVE. This is the show that helps you side with the volition, "DON'T BE 'THAT GUY'!" We are so blessed to have had Dr. Barry Ham join us for that SPECIAL that we could not have counted our blessings even if we all had calculators or all the APPS in the world at the same time to do such.

Why ought listeners tune in to listen to the recording of this show which is on the Recording Interviews web page ? ANSWER: We asked listeners, "Answer these following questions and you'll know the reason(s) for which to have tuned in:
       Who's part in your life has changed your life, taught you something that was in your best interest THAT BEFORE THAT you had no clue?
       Who changed you from the inside out...that possibly you do not even know their name?
       Who has had your best interest in mind for the longest time but you never knew how to partake in honoring them?
       WHY WAIT? To where under the ground on which you stand do those ROOTS OF LOVE END, and from where within your heart do they come? Those who listened in heard and know the importance that the Blessings God has for you are from NO ONE ELSE BUT HIM."

Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (


We learned how Chris Kline, Author of SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL, was impacted by supernatural dark forces and lived to tell about it. Listeners, God has got our backs in more ways than one, Simply, and all is not as it appears on the surface, there is spiritual warfare. Chris Kline lived through that power struggle to stay alive when odds weren't favorable. Her story in SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL shows that forces do compete against God's infinite Power. Thank you for listening to this show and learning from Chris Kline how our spirituality is in completion with such likes we dare not be completely ignorant as to their potential presence. SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL is a stirring account in her life. Her faith brought her through.

​Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

Glory be to God! We  were blessed to have had Glen D. Kato on the show again. He shared about his new book PARENTING: The 9 Qualities Your Kids Need to Be Successful in Life & Love. Whether you are a parent or an adult whose parent(s) show regrets of what they wish they would have instilled in you (or a loved one) growing up, this book prevents that from happening to others. The characteristics it shares provide balance points for life & love. In this 30 minutes interview, listeners learned several sneak previewes in the book. 

Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

We were fortunate in our replete line up to have Bestselling author August Turak with us, and we delved into the significance within us all we have a greater chance to find through the innate authenticism of our purpose. His (Templeton Prize winning) essay, has been released as an illustrated book that teaches us the redemptive power of an authentically purposeful life. 

Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

That book is Brother John: A Monk, a Pilgrim, and the Purpose of Life . This is a story of the redemptive power of an authentically purposeful life. Turak's message comes at a critical time for us in America; a time when our nation seems to be experiencing a cultural crisis of meaning and purpose, a nation that seems to be searching hopelessly for a cure. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently made depression the number one health issue in the Western World. Suicides rates are spiking and mass shootings are becoming more common. Despite historically low unemployment rates, the Labor Participation Rate is at an all-time low as more and more people simply drop out of the work force. All of these are symptomatic of the spiritual crisis afflicting America that is most easily described as a lack of higher meaning and purpose. 

Important? Affecting our world at its roots? Most definitely.
New York Magazine recently published a powerful article on the opioid epidemic in America titled "The Poison We Pick." In the article, writer Andrew Sullivan says, "To see this epidemic as simply a pharmaceutical or chemically addictive problem is to miss something: the despair that currently makes so many want to fly away. Opioids are just one of the ways Americans are trying to cope with an inhuman new world where everything is flat, where communication is virtual, and where those core elements of human happiness — faith, family, community — seem to elude so many. Until we resolve these deeper social, cultural, and psychological problems, until we discover a new meaning or re-imagine our old religion or reinvent our way of life, the poppy will flourish.”
It is these core elements of human happiness — faith, family, community that August Turak and the story of Brother John addresses.  It's the true story of an encounter between the author, going through a midlife crisis, and an umbrella wielding Trappist monk that asks us to reconsider the meaning and purpose of life. 

Listeners heard testimony from Cathy Parker, author of NORTHERN LIGHTS: One Woman, Two Teams, and the Football Field That Changed Their Lives (Thomas Nelson). This book will soon be a major motion picture from director Andy Tennant (Sweet Home Alabama, Hitch, Ever After).   

Listen to this INTERVIEW by going to Recorded Shows (

Why all the what to do? Cathy Parker had no idea her life was about to change until ESPN feature about a football team from the Arctic Circle lit a fire in her soul that she couldn’t ignore. A stirring within her to help the Barrow Whalers football team in a struggling community in Barrow, Alaska, almost 4,000 miles away from her home in Jacksonville, Florida, started a nationwide movement that raised over half a million dollars to build an artificial-turf stadium for a team that needed it. Overcoming obstacle after obstacle, what started out as a call within Cathy became so much bigger and brought two football teams together in surprising (and sometimes hilarious) ways.

We heard direct from Cathy the author on why NORTHERN LIGHTS  is not just the story of how the Barrow Whalers became the first high school above the Arctic Circle to have a football program. It’s the story of how she was CALLED TO SOMETHING BIGGER than herself, and it’s an invitation to open yourself up to that call. What a beautiful reminder of how we’re sometimes called to the most unlikely of causes—and how, when we believe in something bigger than ourselves, we can change our own lives and the lives of others for the better. 


We were thankful to God for the SPECIAL called PRAYER: HOW & WHY WE PRAY.
Are you struggling with mustering up enough self-initiative to pray? How do you pray? Why do you pray?

Listen to the recording on our Recorded shows page. Go to the right side of that page and scroll down the play list.. Why don’t you?
For this SPECIAL where we unveil super simple ways (manners) to shine light on just what prayer is, what it shows you and confirms is ..., well, what might come to Light as what you were missing all along and had no idea of where to start.

Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (


We were thankful to God for the SPECIAL called PRAYER: HOW & WHY WE PRAY.
Are you struggling with mustering up enough self-initiative to pray? How do you pray? Why do you pray?

Listen to the recording on our Recorded shows page. Go to the right side of that page and scroll down the play list.. Why don’t you?
For this SPECIAL where we unveil super simple ways (manners) to shine light on just what prayer is, what it shows you and confirms is ..., well, what might come to Light as what you were missing all along and had no idea of where to start.

​Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

Returning guest Glen D Kato joined us for a new EASTER SPECIAL called HE IS RISEN: A LOOK AT WAYS WE GIVE GOD THE GLORY IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVES AND EVERY DAY IN OUR MARRIAGES. We'll open by Reverend SeBasco asking listeners ..."To you what does GLORY mean and why it is so important that it become a value in your life?" That is our Segway then delving into the how of giving glory to God. If you have ever though that the value of preferring that glory in all things we do be "for God" is an intangible, but could never put your finger on why, listen to the recording of this show. Which is why we had returning guest Glen D, Kato, author of numerous books on marriage ... (because the words "do all things we do be 'for God's could be in some competitions with how centered at "self" each in a marriage could be in competition with attention to each other.) And for this SPECIAL, We bolstered the term "THE GREATER WE", For from Thanks - driven obedience comes a likelihood as a catalyst for UNITY and is sustained through a God-Centered Life.

​Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

There was an exclusive interview of Reverend Salvador SeBasco and it aired secondly on KNLE, and firstly on
     That EXCLUSIVE interview of Reverend Salvador SeBasco, host of The Inside View Show air on GraceAndTruthRadio.World’s radio show called FIND CALM IN THE CHAOS OF LIFE, which is hosted by Susan B. Mead who we've had on THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW. 
Listen in as host Susan B.Mead asks Salvador questions about God, Love and the meaning of Life.
     The radio show ministry, Inside View Show, has been on the air for the last 14 years. It was an exclusive interview.

Don’t miss listening to the recording of that interview. Susan and Salvador shared riveting testimony that shined light on hope,  praise and Glory to God, and the promise of the New Year and coming times. 

​To listen to this INTERVIEW in which Reverend Salvador SeBasco is interviewed, go to  Recorded Shows (

Returning guest Cyndy Feasel joined us for a SPECIAL on PROTECTING THOSE WE LOVE: The value of VALUES. Have you ever felt the undertow of another persons much that you do not feel heard when trying to convince that person to adjust their behavior for THEIR OWN BEST INTEREST? God gives us free will but the balancing act is that He also condones us to have Love for one another and dare to care. Ours (then) is the DESTINY called UTMOST LOVED...both on earth and on the other side of life as we BECOME love. Heartwrenching testimony from Cindy as we learned how her journey has led her to help others, came about in this SPECIAL not about Cyndy but about PROTECTING THOSE WE LOVE.

Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

This THANKSGIVING SEASON SPECIAL was called --BEING THANKFUL AND THANKFUL FOR GOD--and it explored how appreciation for others is evidence of signs of how God’s Love surround us, and how giving thanks allows us not only to be an instrument of God but to embody His Love within us. In this special listeners are asked, “What are you  thankful for? Do you take for granted the greatness in God’s Love to where you’ve lost the genuine nature of feeling and saying, 'Thank You'?". This SPECIAL looks at how to get back to being most sincere about our gratitude and how we might bring from the background to front and center how our walk is about thanks-driven obedience in the direction of His Love.
If this reaches into your heart and has you wanting to hear more, go to the RECORDED INTERVIEWS and SPECIALS page n this website. If it reminds you of someone else you care about and want them to hear, have them join in/join you when you do so.

Listen to this SPECIAL by going to Recorded Shows (

We aired the NEW CHRISTMAS SPECIAL called “The Kind of GOODWILL that not everyone might want to hear about and it is called GODWILL-GOODWILL.”

No stranger to THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW, Brother Barry Ham returned for a 4th time...but this time NOT to speak with us about one of his books, but instead to gather testimony with Host Salvador SeBasco, as together they unveiled How Christ's Love is present in the not so apparent ways! WHY DO SO MANY OF US MISS these gems that deepen THE ROOTS OF LOVE in our hearts this time of year?
      Answer: Because the detractions of the season push time out of what space is left in a person's heart and what is left is a full heart. Just as a full stomach where eating becomes the last thing on that FULL PERSON'S MIND, so too does our spiritual digestion get heeded by a HEART FULL OF OTHER THAN LOVE. This is the show that helps you side with the volition, "DON'T BE 'THAT GUY'!" We are so blessed to have had Dr. Barry Ham join us for that SPECIAL that we could not have counted our blessings even if we all had calculators or all the APPS in the world at the same time to do such.

Why did listeners tune in to listen to this show? ANSWER: We asked listeners, "Answer these following questions and you'll know the reason(s) for which to tune in:
       Who's part in your life has changed your life, taught you something that was in your best interest THAT BEFORE THAT you had no clue?
       Who changed you from the inside out...that possibly you do not even know their name?
       Who has had your best interest in mind for the longest time but you never knew how to partake in honoring them?
       WHY WAIT? To where under the ground on which you stand do those ROOTS OF LOVE END, and from where within your heart do they come? Listen in and know that the Blessings God has for you are from NO ONE ELSE BUT HIM."

Listen to this SPECIAL by  going to Recorded Shows (

We had a paradigm-shifting interview with returning guest and Glen D. Kato, noted author his new book A ME COUPLE IN A ME WORLD, which is about what it takes to work at and keep a strong marriage rooted in Christ. Which is NO WONDER why the full title is A ME COUPLE IN A ME WORLD: BECOME A KINGDOM POWER COUPLE.

In this (book...a) reflection of God's Love, we see a 40-Day marital experiment which is formatted in a daily devotional with each chapter building on the next towards becoming a purposeful Kingdom Power Couple! The WE Couple in a ME World is aimed for couples, mentoring couples, small groups of couples, or a church-wide 40-Days of Marriage Campaign! Which is why we are so Grateful to God that He is using THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW for this EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. We as God's instruments are reflections of His Love, after all--as Love is forever influence for good and Great!!!

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Elizabeth Laing Thompson will be "IN THE HOUSE"!!!  If ever the phrase "Show me a sign, oh Lord" is fitting as what encapsulates the Gist of a book, WHEN GOD SAYS go: RISING TO CHALLENGE AND CHANGE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR CONFIDENCE, YOUR COURAGE, or YOU COOL is that book!

Just think, we've all used the word "Go" but have we really been ready to "GO" when God says it? How do you know it is God saying it even if you hear "Go!" Are we reall THAT ready to BE PREPARED TO BE READY? What does it mean to be ready? How ready is ready? Those and more questions have answers. 

And no doubt, when we hear "READY, GET SET ..." aren't we thinking it is GO TIME! Don't leave yourself out or count yourself out from being ready when God, says GO. God is not counting you out! Why should you? Join us to get THE INSIDE VIEW ON how the first two letters of the word GOD have to do with you! Embrace and internalize therefore that God in your heart before you yourself ever think you are ready is what you'll hear when you listen into this show. Why not listen in and do the NOWADAYS "Mic drop and walk away" extent of impact that you know your loved ones deserve from you! GRAB THE MIC and instead of speaking up, listen up to what God says to you through this show. Are you stepping towards or away from that mic?

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Elizabeth Laing Thompson will be "IN THE HOUSE"!!!  If ever the phrase "Show me a sign, oh Lord" is fitting as what encapsulates the Gist of a book, WHEN GOD SAYS go: RISING TO CHALLENGE AND CHANGE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR CONFIDENCE, YOUR COURAGE, or YOU COOL is that book!

Just think, we've all used the word "Go" but have we really been ready to "GO" when God says it? How do you know it is God saying it even if you hear "Go!" Are we reall THAT ready to BE PREPARED TO BE READY? What does it mean to be ready? How ready is ready? Those and more questions have answers. 

And no doubt, when we hear "READY, GET SET ..." aren't we thinking it is GO TIME! Don't leave yourself out or count yourself out from being ready when God, says GO. God is not counting you out! Why should you? Join use to get THE INSIDE VIEW ON how the first two letters of the word GOD have to do with you! Embrace and internalize therefore that God in your heart before you yourself ever think you are ready is what you'll hear when you listen into this show. Why not listen in and do the NOWADAYS "Mic drop and walk away" extent of impact that you know your loved ones deserve from you! GRAB THE MIC and instead of speaking up, listen up to what God says to you through this show. Are you stepping towards or away from that mic?

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Join us for a paradigm-shifting interview with returning guest and Glen D. Kato, noted author his new book A ME COUPLE IN A ME WORLD, which is about what it takes to work at and keep a strong marriage rooted in Christ. Which is NO WONDER why the full title is A ME COUPLE IN A ME WORLD: BECOME A KINGDOM POWER COUPLE.

In this reflection of God's Love, we see a 40-Day marital experiment which is formatted in a daily devotional with each chapter building on the next towards becoming a purposeful Kingdom Power Couple! The WE Couple in a ME World is aimed for couples, mentoring couples, small groups of couples, or a church-wide 40-Days of Marriage Campaign! Which is why we are so Grateful to God that He is using THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW for this EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. We as God's instruments are reflections of His Love, after all--as Love is forever influence for good and Great!!!

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

We were BLESSED  to have back 3rd time Returning Guest & author Dr. Barry D. Ham. God placed Brother Barry with us this time to give insights from his new book, LIVING ON PURPOSE: KNOWING GOD'S DESIGN FOR YOUR LIFE. For many people close and afar searching for their life's purpose is a task of waiting but not knowing if waiting is all it will take.  No doubt that validation, encouragement, fulfillment, transformation, and adventure await those who are nudged or guided into the Light.
For sure, the gradual realization of masseses of people that we each are getting over doubting our life has worth... is a daunting endeavor in this ever distracting world. We’ve all been there…Ya wake up one day ―we never know when that day will be―and realize how much of our life on earth is over and wonder if significance to the fullest INSTEAD of a life centering only around just you is all there is to life. Why not grab a compass?  If you joined us, thank you as―together―we took that giant step towards LOVE?
If this question is answered (in your heart) with another question, "Why NOT?" then good for you. Or ought I say, "GREAT for you and yours.!"Join us for THE INSIDE VIEW (Shone).

The front cover of this book shows a compass as a clue as to what awaits. By Brother Barry being here on our show we were given a glimpse of the characteristic of God's character that embody a HOPE beyond measure.

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Those who Joined us learned about JESUS & CO. and how when you know you work for JESUS leads us in our Faith Journey. We were blessed with the news that we were to have noted author Bruce L. Hartman on the show and WE did! When God's Grace REIGNS it pours!!! Our cup over-floweth!!! 

Why ought JESUS & CO. still interest you?
Perhaps to some a past Executive of a Fortune 500 Company might seem out of place on a Christian Radio Show. After all when we hear "Love one another" that doesn't mean that we are the ones choosing between who we hold dear by the litmus test of relate-ability on the surface. Beyond that prejudice that those in the business world are only out to fulfill worldly desire comes Brother Bruce L. Hartman, a man who has made it to that black abyss (the echelon of top brass whose decision can sway the future of many employees). A man who now having been guided by JESUS comes forth not only to overcome the work world but too complete theological degrees and write books on how God works through others. That is where his effort with JESUS & CO comes in.

If your heart is heavy from the burden of being overridden with work and God seems to get lost in the shuffle, then this book --JESUS & CO.--is for you. Why? ANSWER: Some people psyches are perplexed or detracted...because their will is separate from their heart or lovingkindnes when they become work work work,
.....but this great book called JESÚS & CO reminds us that that is not what Jesus wants us to do...instead this book as God’s tool in your life a taking of the spiritual stethoscope placing over the cross of Christ in your heart and saying that --while at work-- this question this show hosts asks and that is, “How much your heart is in it...and for who that you serve is the reason to win it.”? If this sounds like you. Listeners ask yourself "What is the goal line stance you not only want to avoid but time and again show those involved you are ready to not lose that way and not only that, welcome the challenge."

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Yes, we were graced again and had another SPECIAL Program. This time we invited Cancer survivor Mark Moore…Brother Mark Moore. This SPECIAL PROGRAM (as with all the SPECIAL PROGRAMS) was not an author interview but is a SPECIAL and was called DON’T LOSE HOPE, and it was about how having HOPE means having courage in the UNITY of People who abide by God and whose FAITH many times means a form of Persistence over Patience.

Perhaps after listening to this SPECIAL, listeners hada renewed sense of belonging. That people are inherently good when in a direction of Lovingkindness and that COURAGE means embracing fear and that God’s best interests for others is inextricably bound to how God uses us as His instruments, for His Will to be done/carried out.

Listen to this SPECIAL by  going to Recorded Shows (

We had a riveting interview with noted author Tiffany Smiling, author of YOUR DREAM. GOD'S PLAN: ARE YOU LONGING FOR SOMETHING MORE {Published by SHILOH RUN PRESS}. Join us! This show was for you the listener if the ANSWER is "No!" if you were asked "WOULD YOU EVER TRADE IN YOUR DREAMS if you knew that would bring you closer to God's Plans for you?" We welcomed author Tiffany Smiling whose life long challenge you would think would only be the above question. Yet, what brought her to the brink of Spiritual extinction is JUST WHAT BROUGHT HER to Spiritual DISTINCTION with God. This was a no miss show if you think you've heard everything under the Son, Jesus. If you tuned in because you wanted to hear God, we offered you to listen hard because between the unspoken words of the interview, He (who speaks inwardly to our souls) might just reveal what you've long questioned about your own life. No, No promised on that. Just GOD'S PROMISE!

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

We received valuable insight from author MIKE BERG, author of INVISIBLE TO REMARKABLE. Brother Mike is the International Director of In this interview worlds converge; that which we knew the world to be and that which has come about in a highly competitive workforce. Brother Mike gave insight into just how we win out by bleeding kindness and by such aim at people needs in honing what service we provide one another. Timeless nuggets of advice, wisdom and practicality swirl and hover and mixed throughout the interview which is high energy and high impact (delving into faith-based balance about not only letting God knows what is on your heart but that being an aiming tool for clarifying just what habits keep them on that path.

If listener ever doubted their abilities to crank up the servitude in a humble way, this interview provided eye-opening wide-reaching groundworks and what steps toward introspection aim keen towards leaning people needs and finding ways and services to help others meet their needs.

Listen to this INTERVIEW by  going to Recorded Shows (

Sarah Bowling, author of HEAVENLY HELP, joined us for the SPECIAL called YOU ARE NOT ALONG IN YOUR FAITH WALK/FAITH JOURNEY. Do you feel empty/alone? Does the emotional lull in the action during active Holiday Season detract away from our relationship with God? Many of God’s Children get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. This show reminded us The Holy Spirit never forgets us.

Listen to this SPECIAL by  going to Recorded Shows (

Listeners Joined us for this NEW YEARS SPECIAL called HOW OUR ANTICIPATION OF GREAT THINGS TO COME CAN BE CONTAGIOUS. Are you a naysayer to God's Promise that THE BEST IS YET TO COME? And so, those that answered "YES," listened in.

With us was returning Guest—Brother Glenn Kleier, the author of The Last day (published by Warner Books 1997) and also author of The Knowledge of Good & Evil (published by MacMillan in 2012).

THE TWO QUESTIONS WE ASK in this SPECIAL (were aimed at taking on optimism into all we do in the New Year are):

✝God's favor is more than just His Grace bestowed upon us. But where do we draw the line between positive thinking and Trust in God? 

✝What foundation do we have that faith is as much about the PRESENT as it is about the FUTURE. Despite the angst of forming unity within a community, how do we KEEP COURAGE in the face of uncertainity? 

Perhaps after many followers listened to this SPECIAL, listeners had a new zest to want to celebrate everyday (by their daily actions of servitude), in that The Promise of the Lord is always upon us….we just need to remind ourselves and each other of the many blessing we are showered with by the Lord.

Listen to this SPECIAL by  going to Recorded Shows (

Once again THE INSIDE VIEW features Reverend Salvador and returning guest Glenn Kleier. In this new SPECIAL highglit was the engaging on the topic of The Use of Faith to Know the Difference Between What Counts and What Matters Most.

This SPECIAL was called —Gratitude, Family, Community and the Upcoming Holiday Seasons—
 (Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years). This SPECIAL also aired on 10/4/2017.

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We got valuable insights from author MIKE BERG, author of INVISIBLE TO REMARKABLE. Brother Mike is the International Director of In that interview worlds converged; that which we knew the world to be and that which has come about in a highly competitive workforce. Brother Mike gave insight into just how we win out by bleeding kindness and by such aim at people needs in honing what service we provide one another. Timeless nuggets of advice, wisdom and practicality swirl and hover and mix throughout this interview which was high energy and high impact (delving into faith-based balance about not only letting God knows what is on your heart but that being an aiming tool for clarifying just what habits keep them on that path.

If listener ever doubted their abilities to crank up the servitude in a humble way, this interview provided eye-opening wide-reaching groundworks and what steps toward introspection aim keen towards leaning people needs and finding ways and services to help others meet their needs.

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This THANKSGIVING SEASON SPECIAL called —BEING THANKFUL FOR GOD—showed explored how signs of God’s Love surround us, and how giving thanks allows us to be an instrument of God. Do you take saying “Thank You” for granted. This SPECIAL looked at how to get back to being sincere about our gratitude.

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This show explored/re-visited our scriptural roots about thankfulness. Scriptures reviewed show the foundation/fullness of sincere Thankfulness (the fullness of Thank-Fullness, so to say). 

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Featured a SPECIAL with Cyndy Feasel, author of AFTER THE CHEERING STOPS (Nelson Books).
This SPECIAL was called PROTECTING THOSE YOU LOVE. Cyndy lent valuable insight into resources to help protect others from what they do not know about brain injury. These matters are forever heartwrenching, particularly for those that have no idea their loved ones are at risk. Surely, God strengthened her faith by what He put in her family's path. And under all odds, as unlikely as it would be, her faith grew not only by the aftermath and mourning but too because she trusted in The Lord because she knew that at all times in our lives GOD IS IN CONTROL, The Lord led her in the direction of helping others protect their loved ones in such matters. By experience of knowing she lost her husband to traumatic brain injury due to playing football and the hard hits, she wants to help others avoid missing the signs of such. With moving testimony and candid revelations, this SPECIAL included Cyndy answering questions about resources to help others. 

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​What a miracle God exhibited in Brother Mark Moore whose improbable recovery from life threatening Cancer showed us in present day life the equivilant of God parting the Red Sea! Yes, Yes, Yes, returning guest Brother Mark Moore took Reverend Salvador's advice to have a book with the title "A Stroke of Faith"!  On the show years ago, Brother Mark returns this time not about his mioraculous recovery, and not about founding the Foundation he did, and not about his organizations influence on a nationwide movement but as a newly published author of the new book, yes (by the title...)  A STROKE OF FAITH. 

Brother Mark in this interview shares with Reverend Salvador a great testimony about surrendering, and how his faith and relationship with the Lord and the undying support of his loving family pulled Him throughmore difficult parts of his long road to recovery – especially with everyday tasks that we may take for granted– and we learned of a special story when his wife was driving Mark to Outpatient Recovery and the song, Lord I Lift Your Name on High came on the radio. In his new book A STROKE OF FAITH (Published by FAITH WORDS), Brother Mark offers 6 KEY INSIGHTS that helped him through his recovery journey, and now what he hopes simply that after reading A STROKE OF FAITH, people will come away with a sense that God does not PLAY HIDE & SEEK with their faith. Just think, here Brother Mark shared that he made it through NOT one but two strokes. His Faith now unwaivered, Brother Mark is living proof that when we think things are out of control, and beyond our control, all along GOD IS IN CONTROL! Praise God!

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We cherished the serendipitous favor of the Holy Spirit as we were contacgted to have author Sarah Bowling on the show. Her new book HEAVENLY HELPER: EXPERIENCING THE HOLY SPIRIT IN EVERYDAY LIFE (Published by CHOSEN BOOKS) hit the shelf but not to soon after flew off the shelves. This book is a unique exploration about we experience The Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.

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Featured an interview with Cyndy Feasel, author of AFTER THE CHEERING STOPS (Nelson Books) speaks with  us about how God strengthened her faith by what He put in her family's path. Cyndy's testimony was riveting in AFTER THE CHEERING STOPS. The Lord has no weakness when we come to Him asking for His Love and Forgiveness.

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​Featured Brother Gary Zacharias for a SPECIAL called HOW 'THE UNSEEN' BECOMES UNVEILED BY TRUTH. Gary shared great testimony about how knowing how to engage others whose culture's primary religion is other than Christianity. Gary has taught Apologetics and other Christian courses (too numerous to list here) on DEFENDING THE FAITH. Meantime, for a short list of classes Gary has taught CLICK on this LINK-->

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​Featured NY Times Best selling author and returning guest Glenn Kleier for a SPECIAL called HOW OUR ANTICIPATION OF GREAT THINGS TO COME CAN BE CONTAGIOUS. God's favor is more than just His Grace bestowed upon us. But where do we draw the line between positive thinking and Trust in God? What foundation do we have that faith is as much about the PRESENT as it is about the FUTURE. Despite the angst of forming unity within a community, how do we keep courage in the face of uncertainity? These questions and more we will explore in this timely SPECIAL geared for those dwelling on what outlook to take for the coming new Year and Beyond.

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​Featured returning guest Barry D. Ham, PhD author of UNSTUCK: ESCAPING THE RUT of a LIFELESS MARRIAGE. Do you feel stuck in your marriage or distanced from your spouse? Maybe you've reached the point where you feel like roommates--two people just co-existing together. Every marriage goes through these "dry spells." God knows how to heal your relationship and wants to breathe life back into your marriage! Listeners tuned in and heard this interview with Marriage therapist Dr. Barry D. Ham, who in his new book, gives you the tools needed to navigate through the hard times in your relationship--sharing inspirational stories of couples who worked through the "marriage rut." All praises to God for His guidance and our listeners. Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God! We praise Your very name and share the Love You are through this Listening Ministry. If you missed our interview with Dr. Ham on 11/9/16 or 12/1/16, don't miss this chance. If you missed hearing this interview, go to the player on the RECORDED INTERVIEWS page on this website:

Featured Host Salvador SeBasco on the THANKSGIVING (Season) SPECIAL called BEING THANKFUL FOR GOD. That SPECIAL was about how GIVING THANKS allows us to be an instrument of God and how that appreciation aligns us with God's Will in a direction to Love One Another.

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Featured guest Helen Mitchell Founder, Strategic Management Resources, Inc. for a SPECIAL called Your Work Has worth. How to be a godly Woman in a Manly World. This SPECIAL offered the perspective on being a woman God designed  and doing the work God assigned. Listeners held spiritual hands reveled in this Listening Ministry gathering. All Praises and Glory to God, The Almighty King of Love His Life-Giving Spirit!

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The glory of God's honor comes through with returning guest Tasha Douglas author of MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER (ZONDERVAN 2012) on a SPECIAL called HOW GOD'S LOVE & Example for PARENTHOOD IMPACTS US, AS HIS CHILDREN. This SPECIAL was about how signs of God's Undying Immeasurable Love surround us and how abiding to His Will and our obedience allows us to surrender our Will and serve Christ in a godly relationship in a fast paced world.

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The Wednesday July 27, 2016 and August 10, 2016 shows  featured returning guest Ed Gungor author of THE VOW (Thomas Nelson) who shared his testimony on our SPECIAL called How God Provides Strength for Conviction When We Embrace Hope and Courage Through Christ. That SPECIAL was about Commitment, Devotion and Conviction when Walking in The Word.

The Wednesday June 29 and July 13 shows featured  returning guest Susan B. Mead back on the show and she shared testimony on a SPECIAL called FROM GRACE TO GREATNESS (Part II): God's Abundant Loves for Us His Children. That SPECIAL about An Appreciation for how God's Grace Impacts our Lives.

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We featured Robert Bruce Fruehling, author of THE REVELATION OF KING ARTHUR. In that INTERVIEW we learned about his new book.
      "If you want a 'hang onto your hat' read, you won't want to miss Robert Fruehling's THE REVELATION OF KING ARTHUR: Deceit, Intrigue and the Guards' Account." ---Salvador SeBasco

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We had another blessed episode which featured Glen D. Kato, author, being interviwed by Reverend SeBaco about Brother Glen's new book REBOOT YOUR MARRIAGE: Go From BLAH to BLISS in 30 DAYS! Brother Glen states, "No doubt, it takes a commitment and more to stay together." If you know someone whose marriage or your marriage seems to be stuck in a rut, you’re on a crazy roller coaster ride, or you and your better 1/2 are more like roommates rather than a couple in love, there still is hope, but it “Takes 2 to Renew”. Hope by unity in Christ along with solid principles on His promise is what  Reboot Your Marriage: Go from BLAH to BLISS in 30-Days! is all about. Marriage Life Coach, Glen Kato wrote this book with all these factors, to include you, in mind. Don’t wait until you reach rock bottom before you reboot. You also heard him on the last show.

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This show featured Dr. Rae Scott with Testimony about GOD AT WORK: HOW DOES YOUR WORK MATTER TO GOD. In this SPECIAL we learned about Dr. Rae's teachings and how what we do does Service to God; for we obliged to have all the Glory be to God.
Dr. Scott Rae is Author and Professor of CHRISTIAN ETHICS Talbot School of Theology. He is Dean of Faculty, Professor of Christian Ethics and Chair of the Department of Philosophy.

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The previous show featured returning guest Susan B. Mead back on the show, and she shared with us how her trip to Israel went and on the SPECIAL which was called FROM GRACE TO GREATNESS: WALKING IN THE WORD. That SPECIAL was about how the choices we lend or take away a direction towards love and a value for LOVE itself more than TIME ITSELF> "Life is to be cherished and GOD's abundant Love is to be shared" was the theme of this SPECIAL.

Sister-in-the-Lord, Susan is three-time returning guest. Featured prior  in a SPECIAL Show called FROM GRIEF TO GRACE TO GREATNESS: Our Conviction That Our JOY is All FOR God's Glory. In that SPECIAL we were honored to have Susan B. Mead with us gain as she shared in testimony and praise to God for all He does to lift our burdens and show us LOVE as Himself. Are you yet in AWE of God? The AWE about Him IS ABOUT HIM: We are HUGGED (in revealing layers) by HIS GRACE, His immense, Holy and All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Ever-Present, Loving-Self.

As we will entered into The (worldly) Holiday Season, in this SPECIAL, we also asked and discussed the questions about GRIEF and GRACE. We were surely blessed and explored the gut-wrenching efforts to bring family members back to the JOY GOD holds for us; and spoke about how, even in those timess where the weight and burdens of memories of LOSS seem to haunt us, God is not absent. The tune of this SPECIAL was that GOD is waiting for us--- as HIS CHILDREN---with open arms to hug us in His Grace. Who better than Susan B. Mead (from Coppell, Texas) to have joined us as a RETURNING GUEST for that SPECIAL. We also had Sister (In The Lord) Susan on air with us in a KNLE EXCLUSIVE on June 24th and July 8th (2015) and with her we praised God for the Love Story shared now NOT ONLY to those where she lives in TEXAS but globally with the spread of her book, DANCE WTH JESUS: FROM GRIEF TO GRACE. 

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The images of David victoriuos over Goliath conjure up rallying of hearts rooting for the underdog. But David was not the underdog many saw him as. He had the power of God within him. This episode of THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW steers Reverend Salvador and Pastor Mike Rakes, author of SLINGS AND STONES to reveal how that power of God ran tghrough little David's blood that fateful day.

Have you ever wondered how when David fought Goliath there was more than meets the eye than just SMALL versus BIG? Listeners heard a peek into how there is more than meets the eye on how a level of conviction and staunch faith allow a stance beyond Grace's end and a new beginning of potential brought on by God's limitless MERCY. The announcement of Pastor Mike Rakes being on our (your Listening Ministry) show would be incomplete if we left out, "Thank You Lord Jesus!"


                                               THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW  RATING    FIVE (out of five stars) STARS

Title:            SLINGS AND STONES: How God Works in the Mind
                   to INSPIRE COURAGE IN THE HEART               
Author:       Pastor Mike Rakes
Publisher:   Charisma House (187 pages)

"Have you ever wondered how when David fought Goliath there was more than meets the eye than just SMALL versus BIG? Have you ever wondered how a surrendered level of conviction and staunch faith allow a stance beyond Grace's end and, in the here and now, a new beginning of potential brought on by God's limitless MERCY?  

Pastor Mike Rakes, with SLINGS AND STONES, brings insight into HOW BATTLES OF THE MIND ARE WON by an extent of conviction that goes beyond a mere confidence in God and by an intrepid into murky waters of the mind (but of courage landed at heart) as The Lord lifts His Children on His shoulders where not even GIANTS (as GOLIATH) can see THAT POTENTIAL THAT ONLY GOD HIMSELF CAN PROVIDE.

Readers gain the armor of prayer and insight into God's innate intelligence of preparing us, and insight on how MERCY shows us 'a capacity'  beyond our mortal 'abilities.' SLINGS AND STONES is an easy read; on that shares in THE TRUTHs on breaking the age old paradigm about our relationship with God being solely about GRACE'S END. Yes, going beyond GRACE's END and, instead, intrepid on how the abundance of God's MERCY  places Him by our side as we climb from the depths of uncertainty to the heights for which only God knows He has prepared us; us each as His 'NEXT' instrument in sharing His LOVE.

With Pastor Rake's' SLINGS AND STONES we are blessed (beyond blessings that could ever be counted using even a calculator) by what Pastor Mike Rakes shares."    

                                                    Rev. Salvador SeBasco, Member NBCC (National Book Critics Circle)
                                                    Literary Director and host of THE INSIDE VIEW SHOW
                                                    broadcast, book critic, on staff with a CNN affiliate station KNLE



8/24/22, 9/7/22. and 9/21/22 (5:30pm CST, 3:30 PST). 
Next, we are blessed to have, Michele Chynoweth, award winning author of The Runaway Propeht, The Faithful One, The Peacemaker and The Jealous Son. Her latest book, The Wise Man is an epic contemporary suspense based on the Book of Solomon. 

Get the inside view into the mond of a selfless author who believe the Old Testament stores for so many are difficult to reaf and comprehend. So, she re-imagines them into contemporary fictional stories to bring about an understainding of Biblical mesages and truths.

Michele is a She is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and also an award winning speaker, book coach, editor and founder of "Your Book Done Right" Master Class and Elite Coaching. 

Join us for this intriguing interview and insight onto the mind of a great author who aims her books into the heart of God's Will.



​​Sheephook Ministries