​​Sheephook Ministries

     Personal Quotes by Rev. Salvador SeBasco

LOVE wins ALL wars."

"Sometimes faith comes in unsuspected packages of the heart."

"​Dear Lord God Jesus, even as the sun goes down on this day, in my heart Your influence shines on. To your Glory, I serve You. Amen!"

"If our PROSPERITY is not but for the Lord, we've missed a mark in life. For the life we live (for Him) is the GIFT we give."

"Pray. Love. Be kind. Generosity is not about how much money you have. It is a state of heart and soul."

"There is no time like the present to GIVE THE GIFT OF YOURSELF back to the world. Be kind, be unselfish; for Love bleeds kindness."

"Never say NEVER...because NEVER does not last forever."

​"Believe, Believe, Believe!
 Love, Love, Love!
 Share, share, share!
 Give, Give, Give!
 Nurture, nurture, nurture!
 Speak, speak, speak!
 And most of all...
 Listen, Listen, Listen...
 and learn."